“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~ William A. Ward.
I have had an especially trying year, one of uncertainty and doubt. Only be stopping to offer gratitude for my blessings have I kept plugging along when it would be easier to throw my hands up and quit. We’re all had these times of adversity. The only way through these events is to plow in and be grateful for the experience.
It is my hope that we will always carry a spirit of gratitude in our hearts and express it often and sincerely to our families, our friends, our co-workers, and everyone we come in contact with. They all deserve our gratitude. I adore Kathy from I Am A Reader Not a Writer for presenting us bloggers and writers the opportunity to express our gratitude to our readers and supporters. Also sponsoring this year’s giveaway is Mary or
Thank you, my friends. Blessings to you, my followers and supporters. You have my sincere gratitude for sticking by me during my rough patch this year.
If you feel compelled to leave a message – a note of gratitude for your life and associations, I would appreciate a comment below or a follow. But these things are NOT necessary to enter my giveaway.
To express my gratitude and my thanks, please enter my giveaway. I’m giving away:
A $15 Amazon Gift Card
An autographed copy of my boxing love story, “Ladies Night”
set in 1950s L.A. amongst murder and mayhem

And my Christmas short sequel to Ladies Night.
Good luck!
Many other bloggers have joined in this event of thanks. Check them out and enter their giveaways as well. <!– end LinkyTools script –>
Remember, It’s not happy people who are grateful, it is grateful people who are happy.
Be happy this holiday season!
I’m thankful for family!
Family can be a trial or our greatest joy, Trisha.
I am very thankful for my wonderful family.
Thank you for sharing, Crystal.
Thank you for the chance to win! Im thanful for so many things.. my family is at the top of the list.
You’re very welcome, Linda. *Fingers crossed* that you’ll win.
Hi Carol,
Thank you for your lovely post and contest. I’m thankful for my family and my health and, of course, for generous people like you!
You’re welcome and thank you for the compliment on my post.
I am gratful that I am able to help feed stray cats in my neighborhood.
Bless you for caring about the smallest creatures, Deanne.
I am thankful just to be alive and that I live in such a wonderful country.
That’s for the reminder of our country, Lisa.
I thankful to have a decently paying job with good benefits.
Wow! That’s big Anne. Having benefits is a must these days with all the sickness around.
I’m thankful that I have a full-time job.
Work is a great blessing. I know what it’s like to be without a job right now.
This has been a year of sorrow and grief for me and mine but I wake every day thankful for the chance to live another day and for the joy my family bring me
I’m sorry to hear that your year has been filled with sorrow and grief, Patricia. Family does help us survive.
I’m thankful for family, health and for all happy moments because this has been a rough year
Thanks for sharing, Melanie. A lot of us have had rough years.
I am thankful for my family and friends and my church family. God Bless them. Keep God First In Your Life.
We can have numerous families not born of blood, Cheryl. Thanks for remind us.
I am grateful for my family. I am lucky to have them all close by.
You are lucky, Michele.
I’m thankful for my family and life in general 🙂
I am thankful for my family and for my improving health. This past year has been very bad.
I’m sorry to hear about your bad time, Charles-Linda. Take care and give thanks.
I’m so thankful for my husband!
Thanks for sharing that. I too, Claire, am thankful for my husband although he isn’t perfect.
I am thankful for my family and that we will all be together for the holidays.
I am thankful for my kids, my family and my friends.
You said it all, Ellen. Thanks to you.
I am grateful for my husband. For the most part it has been a good year, last week we ran into some financial problems but hopefully we will find a solution to the problem.
Finances can be a big sucker on a marriage. I know that first hand, Melinda. Hopefully it’s better for you and I.
I’m grateful for my family and lots of great books to read!
I love my family and my books – in that order, Meredith.
I am thankful for my strong family support system.
Tara, having a family’s support is everything.
I honestly have so many things to be grateful for! I’m grateful for my eyes, so that I can read. 🙂 Yes, reading and family are my most favorite things ever!
I love to read as well, Katie.
I’m grateful for my friends and family
Thanks for sharing with us, Terri.
I’m thankful that my parents have jobs 🙂
I am thankful for my friends, family, and cat Buddy! Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win!
I love cats. Thanks Suz.
I’m thankful for my two little boys <3
How sweet, Salli. Congrats!
Thankful for my family and friends
Yes, family and friends are our backbone, Kim.
i am thankful for my family.
Having a good family is a great blessing, Amanda.
I’m thankful for my family and friends.
Family bring both challenges and blessings, Terri.
Thankful for my family, friends and country.
I am grateful we got a few breaks this year and were finally able to take some vacations.
Vacations are the best, Cynthia.
I’m thankful for my family and my close friends.
Can’t say enough about the pleasure of family, Lisa.
I’m thankful for my family this year more than ever. They are so special to me.
Family is what completes, us Leanne.
I’m thankful for my family, friends and country.
Thanks for sharing, Kim.
I am thankful for my supportive husband and my two healthy, beautiful daughters… and my dog, Bella too! 😉
How very blessed you are, DeAnna, to have a supportive husband and lovely girls. Can’t forget the dogs either. I love animals!
Thank you for the giveaway.
I’m thankful for my family, health and books.
You’re welcome, Kim. Giveaways are a lot of fun. I get to meet new people.
I am thankful for my family!!!
Thank you for commenting about your family, Brenda.
I am thankful for my health. Last year I was very sick and I had to have major surgery on December 4th. I took two months to recover. You never realize how much you appreciate something until you lose it!
I have some thoughts about illness as well, Stacy. I do you you’re on the road to good health.
I am grateful for my sons and our home.
How nice to have boys in your life and a nice home. You are truly blessed, Jennifer.
I am grateful for my new job.
I’m thankful for my good health.
Iam sooo truly grateful for love,freedom&life!
Thanks for sharing about love, freedom, and life. Great thoughts
im greatful for alot of things books and authors the obvious family and basic way of life ty for the chance
Yes, Beverly, our way of life in America is one that we often take for granted. Thanks for sharing.
I’m grateful for friends who are there for me when I need them.
I’m thankful for my health! Thanks for having this giveaway!
You’re welcome, Sue and I’m glad for your health as well.
thankful for my hubby and my 2 healthy boys
I have Linderman’s in my family tree – a loose branch, but they’re there. Thanks for coming by and sharing about your hubby and boys, Amy.
I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love your name, Booklady, and feel your appreciation for your family and friends. And you’re welcome. I love doing giveaways!
I am thankful for the loved ones in my life who bring me so much joy and inspiration.
I’m so glad to hear your loved ones bring you joy and inspire you, Carolyn. That’s great.
I am grateful for my husband.
Thank you for coming by, Katherine, and for entering and sharing.
I’m very thankful for my niece.
How sweet to be thankful for a niece. I have so many of them, it’s hard to pick just one, Arlinda.
Im thankful for my mom and all she does for me!
We are truly bless to have a mother who cares for us. Thanks for sharing your, Latisha.
I am thankful for books, family, and friends
In that order, Velvet – books, family, and friends. I like it.
I’m grateful for family and friends.
Hi Janie, I’m grateful for my guys as well – my husband of 33 years and our one son, now 32 years old. Wow! Time flies.
I’m thankful for my family and our good health. I hope 2016 is better for you.
Thanks 🙂
Thank you for the special wish, Mona. I do hope 2016 will be a great year. For you as well.
I am thankful for my family.
Thank you for reminding all of us how grateful we should be for our families, Linda. Thanks for dropping by.
Thankful for my family and closest friends
You sound blessed, Kate. Congratulations!
I am thankful for my very supportive boyfriend!
Having a supportive boyfriend can mean a world of difference when you have difficulty. Congrats Kristina.
I am thankful for my family, and all the great books out there .
Yes, there are a ton of great books and so little time to read. Thanks Pam for coming by.