Author Bio: Cassie M. Shiels was born in Idaho, but moved around the Pacific Northwest while growing up. She has always enjoyed books and was one to be found, reading late into the night, on the school bus or before she did her homework. In middle school she determined that she liked creating her own stories as much as she liked reading them; so she decided she wanted to be a writer and keeps working on making that dream come true with every story idea that bounds into her head. She is also a certified childbirth educator and loves teaching new prospective parents about childbirth.
Mini book blurb: Even though Katie is a royal princess, all she knows is how to be a spy. She constantly goes from mission to mission, never getting the chance to understand her birthright. This all changes when her father sends her on a mission to Floric with the cover of being a princess who is trying to win the prince’s heart. This mission proves to be very different from the others with a shadowy figure to chase, secret passages to explore, secrets to keep and the problem of betrayal that she is about to discover.
How can you find Cassie? Website Blog Twitter Amazon Author Page
Two small snippets from The Royal Spy:
• I pushed myself up and nearly stopped breathing again. The man who I had just knocked to the ground was none other then Prince Jarin. Definitely not the shadow, I thought.
“That’s it, you—” the prince began as he pushed himself up and raised his fist.
“Stop!” I guarded my face with both hands.
“Ah…hello, fancy meeting you here,” I stammered.
• “Oh, then I guess the real secret is that you really are Merlin’s apprentice, hiding in the form of a king.” I smiled. His glare softened and a hint of smile reached his eyes, so I quickly added, “You, King of Floric, might have won the first battle, but I am going to win this war!”
My top 10 favorite deserts just for fun! 1. Ice cream 2: Brownies 3: Shift cake 4. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies 5. No bake chocolate cookies 6. Shaved Ice 7. Cake with frosting 8. Snicker doodles 9. Smoothies 10. Fun breads.
Main character casting: Who I would cast to play the parts of my main characters if my book were to be made into a movie

Brandon Routh a.k.a. Prince Jarin Couresy of
Princess Katie: Isla Fisher
Prince Jarin: Brandon Routh
Queen Elna: Helena Bonham Carter
Queen Emmalin: Maya Rudolph
King Zaccory: Jim Broadbent
King David: Graham McTavish
Martin: Timothy Spall
Captain Barlin: Stephen Hunter
There will be an amazon gift card give away,
and a book give away.
The Facebook link to the book blitz: CLICK HERE!