Jeff goes to the beach to run and clear his head. Meredith goes to the beach intent on burying her nose in her book. In this contemporary romantic comedy, these two collide when Meredith’s two young nephews come up with other plans.
When Robyn isn’t busy piecing together novel plots, she stays busy piecing together quilt blocks.
Where to find Robyn Echols:
I can’t begin to tell you how tired I get of people trying to tell me where I should go to meet a man. Oh, I know they mean well. But for crying out loud, if I really wanted to meet men with the hope and expectation one would fall down at my feet and beg me to go out on a date with him, don’t you think I would have figured it out by now? I already know where to look for the kind of man in which I would be interested.
And, yes, I’m well aware the beach is not the place.
Which explains why I got into a snit and decided to go to the beach anyway. I mean, why should I have to give up doing what I want to do on my Saturday—again? Why should I be stuck in the house—again? Nope, I’d head for the beach.
I’d just take the boys to the beach with me. I had it all planned out. I would take my biggest blanket, find a spot where there weren’t as many people, in sight of the water but not too close, and get the boys settled under the shade of the umbrella. I’d slather them with sunscreen and let them play until lunchtime. Then I’d feed them, and allow them to fall asleep for their afternoon naps while listening to the soothing sounds of water lapping against the shore. After all, if I played with Xander in the morning before I left, took plenty of snacks and toys for Xander and enough bottles and some applesauce for Calend, plus plenty of diapers and pull-ups for the two, they should be fine, right? Once they zonked out under the shade of the umbrella with a lightweight blanket over them if the breeze off the water should kick up, they should sleep for hours, right? I’d have lots of time full of peace and quiet to read. I should be able to get well into my story before they woke up and it was time to go home.
What could go wrong?
Interview with Meredith the main character in The Best Place to Meet a Man
- What is your favorite past time, or hobby?
Oh, I love to read. I mean, you have no idea how much I looked forward to going to the beach and burying my nose into my latest romantic suspense novel.
- What is your favorite book?
You honestly expect me to narrow it down to one book? Really? How can people do that? I would be hard-pressed to narrow it down to ten favorites. Or maybe twenty. I do like romances, however. And mysteries. And suspense novels. And combinations of the above.
- Do you prefer to plan things, or be spontaneous?
Oh, I definitely prefer to plan things. After all, I am a fourth-grade schoolteacher. If I didn’t put together my lesson plans well ahead of time, I can’t begin to imagine what kind of pandemonium would erupt in my classroom. Then again, at home living in the same house with my sister Marion and her two year-old Xander and her new baby—well, fairly new, he’s four months old, now—who can plan? Especially when Marion’s regular sitter asks to take off for a month of vacation, and guess what? Just because I’m off work for the summer, and, without even telling me until after it is a done deal, my dear darling sister commits me to babysit her boys through the week while this lady’s gone.
- Who would you consider is your least favorite person, and why?
Oh, I don’t have any least favorite persons. Well sometimes my principle at the school gets on my nerves. And my brother-in-law Eddie can run a close second. I mean, Eddie is the boys’ father, but sometimes he conveniently likes to ignore that fact.
- What one thing do you wish you could tell your past self?
You know, it’s great that Mom and Dad willed their house in Seaside to my sister and me. But, as much as I love Marion and her family, I think I would tell my past self to think really hard about agreeing to share the house with my younger sister. I mean, just because she is a mother doesn’t make her my mother.
- What is your biggest pet-peeve?
That little Xander. I mean, I’m not even his mommy. I’m just his Auntie Meredith. But, do you think that stops him from pounding on my bedroom door anytime he thinks I might want to be alone and enjoy some peace and quiet? No. If he can’t rouse Marion when she locks herself in the hall bath for a few minutes of privacy, he comes and tries my door.
- Do you think that there is a specific message to your story, that you’d like your readers to learn?
Well, you know, from the time we were young, Marion and I were taught to be very careful about meeting strangers at public places. You know, like the beach? I mean, with everything that happens these days, a person can never be so careful. That’s why Jeff went to the beach to run and I went to read—both of us carefully minding our own business. But, guess what can happen to caution when you add an adventurous two year-old into the mix?
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and on her special day there will be all kinds of fun facts to check
out about her and her book!
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in all out honesty I really don’t have a favorite summer read only one comes to mind is my favread of all time ingeneral and that’s After the night By Linda Howard